Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Value Of Their Words: Teaching Life Through Art in Syracuse

Forget about math and science for a moment...
This is the kind of learning that will give these kids Hope...
without which, math and science don't matter much.

Syracuse University Magazine Fall/Winter 2010

The students in Adam Lutwin’s 11th-grade English class are reading A Streetcar Named Desire and focusing on detailing their daily surroundings—in their photographs and writings. When Lutwin asks if anyone wants to share from their journal, Demetria Smith volunteers. She reads about noisy children and barking dogs in her neighborhood and looking forward to it quieting down with fall’s arrival. “No more feeling annoyed from unnecessary noises,” she says.

Lutwin sees the opportunity to link classroom instruction with the students documenting observations and thoughts about their everyday lives as a way to help them grow as individuals. “The program draws kids into the true beauty of self-expression, the most important expression of them all,” he says. “You cannot attach a test score to a student who tries something new and finds a voice that previously remained silent.”